Absalom, while not invisible, is a thin, richly dressed man with a muzzle of a lion stitched to his face. Underneath his garments is a body stitched from various animal parts. Absalom's skin is that of an elephant and his muscles is a mixture of a bear and a gorilla. The combined weight of these transplants, along with his body, gives Absalom a total weight of 300 kilograms. These transplants on Absalom's body were all performed by Dr. Hogback.
Absalom is a major pervert, and everyone around him knows it. The Zombies in the graveyard particularly nickname him "Erosalom" due to his highly amorous nature despite him being their leader. It seems to be that he seeks women to be his bride amongst other things. He particularly likes weak women who can't fight back. He also considers himself to be beautiful and kidnapped Nami to become his bride, nevertheless he is absolutely terrified of Lola because of her "love" for him.
Absalom speaks in a distinct style. He often refers himself in the plural tense such in lines such as, "You will be our bride." He also claims not to be a zombie, but in fact a human being despite looking otherwise.
Absalom has also a tendency to sprout bad jokes that are often unnoticed. These include him saying, "Being mean to Kumacy must fill you with ecstasy. Ecsmacy?", when he noted how cruel Perona was to Kumacy, and saying, "So cruel to Hogback. Cruelback.", when noted cruel Cindry was to Hogback. Oda in response to a fan who noted, replied that this is rather ironic since this means that even Absalom's sense of humor is invisible.
Absalom is a major pervert, and everyone around him knows it. The Zombies in the graveyard particularly nickname him "Erosalom" due to his highly amorous nature despite him being their leader. It seems to be that he seeks women to be his bride amongst other things. He particularly likes weak women who can't fight back. He also considers himself to be beautiful and kidnapped Nami to become his bride, nevertheless he is absolutely terrified of Lola because of her "love" for him.

Absalom speaks in a distinct style. He often refers himself in the plural tense such in lines such as, "You will be our bride." He also claims not to be a zombie, but in fact a human being despite looking otherwise.
Absalom has eaten the Suke Suke no Mi which gives him the ability to turn himself and other things invisible. He most notably uses it's powers to peep on and molest women. Absalom is also able to turn other people invisible by simply touching them
Absalom first appeared as an invisible being of some sort that kept five of the Straw Hats, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Robin, and Franky, from going ashore to the island.He licked Robin from bottom to top with his tongue. He later attacked Nami while she was bathing in the bathroom in Hogback's mansion.After being driven away by Usopp, Absalom met briefly with Hogback and one of Perona's ghosts. There he and his companions decided to commence the attack on the Straw Hats.
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