Cell is a fictional graphic novel supervillain from the Dragon Ball universe created by Akira Toriyama as an antagonist character
Series creator Akira Toriyama went through many different drawings before settling on the design he used in the Dragon Ball manga. Cell's appearance varies depending on which form he is in. He evolved from a cocoon-like form and his first form is insect-like in appearance. Both Cell's first and second forms have a tail that ends in a stinger-like appendage and allows him to absorb other organisms. His final form has a tail, albeit it is unclear whether it is able to absorb organisms, all forms have spots.
Cell is the ultimate creation of a fictional scientist named Dr. Gero, cloned from the cells of several characters from the series. As a result of the cloning, he is labeled the "perfect warrior", possessing genetic traits from Dragon Ball characters such as Piccolo and Freeza. Cell's existence is first hinted at when Future Trunks, Son Gohan and Bulma discover Cell's shed skin. He is first seen when confronted by Piccolo, who learns of the creature's history, as well his goal of absorbing #17 and #18.
After absorbing a sufficient amount of beings, Cell then found #17 and #18 and nearly absorbed #17, if not for #16 who was able to fight Cell one on one. He eventually manages to absorb #17 and changes into his second form. This second form would have absorbed #18 as well if Tenshinhan did not intervene. Tenshinhan is able to stall him long enough for #18 and #16 to escape. Cell gives chase to the two artificial humans and tries to flush them out of an island they were hiding in until Vegeta arrives to challenge Cell.Vegeta easily defeats Cell by utilizing his new Super Saiyan 2nd Grade abilities. However, Vegeta, wanting to battle a more challenging opponent, assisted Cell in absorbing #18. In this new form Cell easily defeats Vegeta and Trunks (who comes to assist Vegeta). Instead of killing the pair, Cell abandons the battle and announces that he would revive the Tenkaichi Budokai, a martial arts tournament not held since the end of Dragon Ball.
Called the "Cell Games" the tournament would pit any fighters Earth could muster against Cell. Many of Earth's heroes enter the competition. The so called "World Champion Martial Artist" Mr. Satan is the first to fight Cell and the first to lose. The series protagonist, Son Goku, battles after Mr. Satan. Though he had become very powerful from training in the Room of Spirit and Time, Goku is not powerful enough to defeat Cell. However, Goku's child, Gohan, is thought to have latent abilities greater than that of Cell's. However, Gohan looks to have no chance at defeating Cell until Cell destroys #16, filling Gohan with rage that transforms him into a Super Saiyan 2. Instead of losing gracefully, Cell decided to blow himself up, a feature that many of Doctor Gero's creations possessed. Before Cell could kill himself, Goku uses his ability to teleport to transport Cell and himself to the planet of the North Kaio, saving Earth but killing Goku. However, Cell was able to regenerate and teleport back to Earth, and upon arrival killed Future Trunks. Gohan manages to destroy Cell with a Kamehameha that obliterates the tyrant completely.
Cell also appears in Hell during filler episodes of Dragon Ball Z and makes a few appearances in Dragon Ball GT.
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